I started! After reading through the pattern once thoroughly and highlight all the correct sizes, I realized that I haven't knitted in years. So I decided to swatch. I NEVER swatch.
I like to live dangerously in my knitting. So there.
Tonight, however, I decided to swatch. No so much for gauge, although that was helpful to make sure my gauge matched the instructions as closely as possible, but also to remind myself how to do certain techiniques.
Did I remember how to PFB and KFB? What does that do again? When it says decrease, WHICH decrease do I use? (I'm still uncertain on this one for the pattern. SSK leans left, K2TOG leans right, right?)
Hum uh nah what with the pockets? I've not done pockets like this before. Why do I need stitch markers? Do those go on the needles or on the yarn as I'm knitting?
You know...basics. :P
I've started the first of two pockets. I've never knit on circular needles before so this is gonna be my virgin run. It is NOT circular knitting though, which is interesting. Circular needles are just like DPNs, right? I've used DPNs for mittens.
Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I go! Will check in as often as possible. In the mean time, I leave you with YOGA CAT.
This is my DSH Webbie, who is 14 years old, diabetic, and the biggest love bug in the world. He is the cat that comes running when you call him, wants nothing more than to play with my yarn, and adores being brushed. I don't know who taught him yoga...but this is how I found him sleeping today!
Webster sleeps in mysterious ways...